Olympic or Paralympic Guest Speaker

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Olympic or Paralympic Guest Speaker

Either a Olympic or Paralympic athlete will be coming in to host a Q/A at Salford University. This will give you a chance to ask questions and listen to them talk about how they are preparing for the Paris Olympics/Parlympics over the summer this year and how you can get there. 

This is a great opportunity and a free opportunity to sit down with someone that has been there and got the t-shirt.

Location is to TBD and will be sent to you if you get a ticket to attend. 

Name of athlete is James Ball and is a Paralympian and his BIO can be found through this link - https://sportsforchampions.com/athletes/james-ball/



Venue : no-city

Type: Other

Start Date: Monday 04-03-2024 - 13:00

End date: Monday 04-03-2024 - 15:00

Capacity: 300