Meet your voluntary officers: MHAW

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Meet your voluntary officers: MHAW

Join us at the wellbeing hub for our meet your VO's event for Mental Health Awareness Week!

Get to know the faces behind the roles. Connect with your elected voluntary officers, discover their roles, responsibilities, and the initiatives they are passionate about. Engage in open discussions where you can share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. This is your chance to voice your opinions and contribute to shaping the student experience.Build connections with fellow students and officers alike. This event provides a casual and friendly atmosphere for networking, making it easier for you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and aspirations.

Collaborative Initiatives: Discover opportunities for collaboration. Learn about existing and upcoming projects that you can actively participate in, contributing to positive change within the student community.

Food and drinks will be provided.


Venue : University House - Wellbeing hub,

Type: Other

Start Date: Thursday 01-02-2024 - 17:00

End date: Thursday 01-02-2024 - 19:00

Capacity: 1000000