Liberation Leaders

  • Yourleadersemblemonwhite
  • Liberation Leaders Rosa Parks Room, University House Tuesday 13-02-2018 - 15:00 until Tuesday 13-02-2018 - 16:00

This event has expired or is no longer available.

Liberation Leaders

Amongst all of our elected representatives and candidates, people who define as LGBT+, or disabled or who are mature students are always underrepresented.

Part training - part discussion, in this session you will consider why people who are LGBT+, disabled or are a mature student are so underrepresented in the Students' Union and learn about the support available both during the election and after.

If you're thinking of running for election or you're just curious about what the elections are, come to this session to get all the information you need. We'll tell you about the positions available and what a sabbatical officer actually does all day as well as some hints and tips for running a successful election campaign.


Venue : Rosa Parks Room, University House

Type: Advice, Campaigns, Democracy, Training

Start Date: Tuesday 13-02-2018 - 15:00

End date: Tuesday 13-02-2018 - 16:00

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