Letters to a Stranger

  • 65f423a551131
  • Letters to a Stranger Maxwell building foyer, Thursday 21-03-2024 - 12:30 until Thursday 21-03-2024 - 14:30

This event has expired or is no longer available.

Letters to a Stranger

We know life can be quite stressful at times and sometimes you can use some messages of affirmation. We're giving away free flowers if you write a positive letter to a stranger to brighten yours and someone else's day. A small act of kindness can go a long way in improving someones day, so come down to Maxwell building foyer to get involved!


Venue : Maxwell building foyer,

Type: Other

Start Date: Thursday 21-03-2024 - 12:30

End date: Thursday 21-03-2024 - 14:30

Capacity: 1000000