Our TOP TIPS for life after University! 🎓

Tuesday 11-04-2023 - 13:49
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The idea of leaving University can feel daunting and deflating after years of structure and a busy social schedule.

You might be worried that you’ll feel bored and lonely, not to mention worried about your finances and your future!

But if you’re feeling anxious about leaving university – you are not alone. So what can you do to avoid this?

We talked to Salford graduates to find out how they beat the Grad Blues – and our very own top tips on how YOU can beat them too!

Paige Lockwell-Burge Studied MA Broadcast Journalism At Salford University

Paige graduated in November 2022 with a Masters in Broadcast Journalism and is now a producer for BBC Radio 5 Live.

She studied right here at Salford University!

Paige talked us through some of her fears about entering the workplace, and her biggest tips when breaking into your chosen industry...


I spent a great deal of my time post-University feeling like a failure that has wasted their money, wasted my time investing in a career that I was unable to get when this really wasn’t the case. I think social media is the worst contributor to making you feel like this as well.

Although the likes of LinkedIn are fantastic for jobs, you do end up scrolling through other people’s successes wondering when it will be your time, I promise it will come!

I do feel like there is an expectation that once you achieve your degree you should land your dream job straight away which is never the case for anyone.

I know it sounds cliche but just be yourself! I always went into interviews acting a different way for example trying to change my accent, dress differently and present myself differently and I was never successful in that interview process.

The one interview where I felt comfortable being myself was the one I was successful in, so I know it’s cliche but just try and present the real you in every interview you have, and worst case scenario

If you are unsuccessful then that isn’t the role for you because they can’t see how great you are. My main advice would be to trust the process because it all works out in the end, and no one is as amazing and fantastic as you - so don’t compare yourself to anyone.

Jonny graduated in 2020 with a Journalism Masters and also studied at Salford! 

We spoke to him about his fears post-student life and how he found a community outside of university...


Before finishing everyone goes through the same hoops of going to school, then going to sixth form/college and then on to university.

After finishing uni, there’s no next set step and it can initially be a little daunting and overwhelming.

Everyone’s lives run at different speeds – there’ll be some people that progress rapidly before slowing down in comparison to other people who might progress slowly in their career and then it suddenly increases in five years’ time.

You should never compare yourself to someone else and only you know what you want.

Our top tips...

A massive thanks to Paige and Jonny for their words of wisdom!

In need some more advice? Here's our top 5 suggestions:

1. Define your goals and aspirations

It is always helpful to know which direction you want to take with your career and personal life, so draw yourself a roadmap of your aims.

This can include short-term and long-term goals, as well as specific steps you can take to achieve them.

Having a clear plan in place will give you every chance when opportunities do arrive!

Embrace continuous learning

As they say - every day is a school day. University may have ended, but learning never stops!

You can teach yourself new skills from an array of online courses to help you in an ever-changing job market and expand your skillset.

Check out LinkedIn Learning if you're looking for somewhere to start!

Network and build relationships

We’re sure you’ve heard of the phrase “It’s about who you know, not what you know”, and while this isn’t completely true, building relationships with other professionals can help bolster job opportunities and experiences.

Joining online forums, attending in-person events, and organizing meet-ups can be a great way to achieve this.

Gain practical experience

“Real-world” experiences are invaluable when it comes to applying for jobs. Showing your prospective employer examples of practical experience can prove to them you’re the right person for the role.

In our opinion, the more work experience, the better! And finally...

Manage your finances

Student loans become a thing of the past and student discounts are few a far between, so managing your finances is important.

If you know how much you’re spending and where, its much easier to see where you’re overspending and stick to a tight budget.

Our top tip is to use Monzo pots to organise where you're spending your money!

Change isn’t always easy, but it can be exciting to step into a new challenge!

So, grab that pen and paper, and start building that step-by-step guide to living your best life. You’ve earned it!


Related Tags :

graduates, graduation, top tips,

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