Problems registering?

We've tried to make registering and signing in to the Students' Union website as simple as possible. However, sometimes things can go wrong, or it isn't as straightforward as it should be. Select the problem you are having below for advice on how to resolve it.

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Here are our most frequently asked questions...

If you are a student at the University of Salford, you should have been automatically registered with us. Please try signing in by selecing the 'Salford Student' sign in option, and then logging in using your Salford network login, the same one you use for Blackboard and University computers. If you are a new student, it may take a couple of weeks for you to be added to our system.

If you are an alumnus or staff member of the University of Salford, or are not a student, you can register an account on our website as a guest user.

If you are still having problems registering, please email, letting us know what you're having problems with, and any error messages that are appearing. We will do our best to solve your problem and get you registered.

If you are logging in as a student, your can reset your password by contacting IT Services. If you are logging in as a guest, alumni or staff member you can reset your password from our password reset page which will email you a link allowing you to create a new password. If you do not receive this email, please check your junk email folder. If you still do not receive this email, or you are still having problems resetting your password or signing in, please email to let us know about the problem you are having.

If our system believes someone else may be trying to access your account, it will lock it out for your protection. This commonly happens if you have entered your password incorrectly several times. If you are locked out of your account, you should have received an email with a link which will unlock your account. If you have not received an email, check your 'junk' and 'clutter' folders. If you still haven't received it you can resend the email from our unlock resend page. If the email still doesn't arrive, or the link isn't working, please email letting us know that you have been locked out of your account.

To sign in, please go to our sign in page. If you can't sign in, please check that you are entering the correct password. If you are not sure you are entering the correct password, you can reset it by following the instructions on the page. If you are still having trouble signing in, please email letting us know the problem you having and any errors your are shown.

If you have a general question about this website please email us at or call us on 0161 351 5400.