Welcome to our new Chief Executive Officer, Julie Byrd

Friday 14-11-2014 - 16:29

From Monday 17 November 2014, the University of Salford Students’ Union embarks on a new chapter in our journey with the appointment of Ms Julie Byrd. After sixteen years, we farewelled Mr Phil Benton who has left Salford to join Counterculture, as a consultancy partner.

Julie joins us as Chief Executive Officer from her role as Acting Head of Sport at Sheffield University and a long history in Students’ Unions and student experience consultancy. A background of both sport administration and marketing, Julie’s strengths and experience will help drive the University of Salford’s Students Union new strategic plan, meeting its ambitious and challenging aims.

We asked Julie to tell you in her own words how she felt about joining the Salford community in her new role with us and this is what she told us.

"My first words about my new role as Chief Executive Officer at the University of Salford Students’ Union would be EEK! – there are big shoes to fill, and how can I make a difference when an organisation is already good at what it does? Even though I’ve got first night nerves, I am really honoured to be able to be part of the team who will build an even better future for the Union.

There are many reasons why I applied for the job - I knew Salford Students’ Union was well run, had great Officers, fantastic staff, it has endless opportunities to grow and the University is going places. This means there is a lot to celebrate and a bright future ahead.

After nearly 20 years (that long?!) in Higher Education, within Students Unions and working for Universities, I hope I can bring a new dimension to the team at The University of Salford Students’ Union. Together we will create chances for students to create a life that leads to something bigger and better.

Shakespeare wrote: “Ambition should be made of sterner stuff” and we will create ambitious plans to develop the Students’ Union but we have to work with the University to create a firm foundation and future for both organisations.

So, at the heart of my thinking will always be how can the Students’ Union support students to dream bigger dreams, and to broaden the horizons of their ambition.

I have no doubt the journey will have its challenges, but if we keep our focus on being relevant to students we will continue to be successful."

We'd also like to thank Michelle Livesey, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, for her support as acting interim CEO during this time.

For interviews or further comment from Julie, please contact Jessica Hildyard, Marketing Manager on 0161 351 5420 or j.hildyard@salford.ac.uk

Related Tags :

Julie Byrd, CEO, new appointment, strategic,

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